If you only purchased Sewing Cake since 1 September 2017, the following does not apply to you, because your purchases are on the new system already.
Once upon a time, when Sewing Cake was on Etsy, you may have ordered a pattern or two.
Unfortunately, the best way for us to connect those orders with the new platform would be by email address and guess what Etsy DIDN'T share with shop owners?
If you are interested in receiving updates to your patterns, we need to restore your purchase on the new store. To do this, we need your email address, Etsy username, first and last name, old address (just enough to identify the order), and your currently address. You can email it to sew-it-all@SewingCakePatterns.com
If you have already added an account to the new Sewing Cake Patterns, we will add your old orders to that account. If not, we will create and account for you and add the old orders to that.
If you bought a paper copy of a pattern, a PDF version will be added to your account.
If you bought the Tiramisu (hint hint) you might want to get this info to us sooner than later.
Photo: http://redscharlach.tumblr.com/